Salon expert devises retailing business programme

Salon business expert Liz McKeon has launched a new educational programme for salon owners highlighting how to best leverage the opportunities that retail sales present.
The high-level Time To Get Real About Retail programme has been created by Liz for those looking to maximise retail as a strong revenue stream. It aims to help salon owners identify how to structure a retail department and attract, retain and increase client loyalty and profit per salon visit.
In addition to being suitable for salon owners, the programme may also be beneficial for brands looking to help stockists increase their retail sales.
Two weeks after the programme, Liz will provide attendees with an online Zoom session to assess their progress.

“This is an exciting opportunity for salon owners, brands and stockists who are looking to build their retail business and sell unlimited retail, whilst holding on to their best staff and retaining their clients. Just this week, I held a soft-launch event for this programme and it was a fantastic success - we had exceptional feedback from salon owners, managers and brands with many commenting on how the workshop is a necessity for salon owners and managers who want to ensure they are constantly growing and improving their business to always be at the top of their game.”
Liz McKeon